High Profile
Haskell and Rust

Have complex problems solved by top league software architects and developers.

Get reliable code that is easy to maintain.

Have it shipped fast.

Our Approach

We value transparency, ensuring to be in complete sync with you about the work being done and the problems that arise.

We deliver incrementally and frequently by relying on the Lean methodology to prioritise the deliverables.

We achieve flexibility and resilience in solutions by applying Systems thinking and TRIZ in analysis and design.

We solve the problems at the root by reasoning from First principles and employing Critical thinking.

Our Vision

AI is automating the work being done by current generation junior engineers.

The feedback loop when working with AI is orders of magnitude shorter than when working with humans.

Senior engineers who apply AI complete projects faster and can dedicate more attention to quality.

Our Team

Nikita Volkov

Architect and developer

Stack Overflow rep of 43k.

Author of pGenie, Hasql, Refined.